Parenting may feel like an Olympic sport on its best days. You may feel on top of the world for ...

Dealing with a child who refuses to listen is one of the most frustrating experiences a parent can have. Perhaps ...

Congratulations! You’re the proud mother of a lovely new baby. You’ve done it! Now comes the exciting part. You may ...

Parents are frequently concerned that their children are dehydrated. However, if your child is crying and fleeing as you try ...

Parenting is a hilarious experience. You begin with little knowledge and gradually gain it. Then, just when you think you’ve ...

Is it true that you’re expecting twins?! Or are you expecting a second or third child and want to switch ...

Consider yourself sitting in a rocking chair in your baby’s nursery, one arm holding your small love and the other ...

I was naturally concerned when I observed my second daughter’s skin had dry, red, and inflammatory spots when she was ...

When your baby is born, you want to do everything you can to ensure that he or she is safe ...

You may be ready to help your baby start self-feeding now that he or she has been exposed to solids ...