Great Ideas for Organizing Days at Home

If you have children of any age at home, you are already aware that structure and regularity can make any day go more smoothly. Including positive habits and activities in your daily routine can provide opportunities for educational learning, play, stress reduction, nutrition, and rest. Obviously, not every day needs to be planned. When you’re at home with your family, it’s also important to allow for spontaneity and free time. However, if you’re seeking a way to create a new daily routine with your kids during this season of social isolation, keep reading for some new ideas! These are some simple strategies for creating a fantastic structure for your days at home.

How to Make Days at Home More Organized

Each day should begin with a morning routine.

Make a list of items you’d like to incorporate into your morning routine on a daily basis. Then, when you get up in the morning, look over that list. Alternatively, you can display it in the bathroom or kitchen, where it will be visible to your entire family. Also, enlist the help of family members. Brushing teeth, taking a shower/bath, unloading the dishwasher, making beds, drinking coffee or tea, making and eating breakfast together, exercising, praying, meditation, or reading a daily devotional are some examples. According to research, getting your day off to a good start assures excellent productivity and overall well-being.

Create a series of themed days or weeks.

If you’re trying to include curriculum or educational learning into your everyday routine, try giving each weekday a distinct theme. For example, assign a new theme to each weekday, such as art or music on Mondays, arithmetic on Tuesdays, nature/outdoor learning on Wednesdays, cookery on Thursdays, and science on Fridays. You can also select from a variety of more specialized themes. If the entire week is designated as a “nature theme,” for example, each workday can be split down into a distinct topic, such as weather, bugs, water cycles, butterflies and birds, and geology. You can also have a different theme each week. You may go with a silly or amusing theme like “pajama day” or “favorite sports team day.” Schedule it so that you and your family can look forward to it!

Allow for free play and recess.

Sure, when you’re relaxed at home, free play can arise organically. However, if you’re attempting to establish structure and pattern in your daily routine, knowing that they’ll be rewarded with a block(s) of time to play in the yard or engage in age-appropriate free play indoors will help youngsters balance their focused learning time. Free play is also important for children because it helps them develop social-emotional abilities, generate endorphins, sleep better at night, and strengthen their immune systems. That’s a victory for everyone!

Make an effort to eat at regular intervals.

Setting aside specific periods of the day for eating helps to arrange the day. If you know you want to eat dinner around 6 p.m., for example, you can schedule your afternoon routine so that supper comes at the end of a sequence of activities or chores. Additionally, research shows that eating at least one meal together as a family improves family mental health and well-being.

Take some time apart from your family.

As much as we may enjoy spending time with our loved ones, it is as beneficial to take breaks. This is especially crucial if you have young children, so you don’t become burned out caring for them. Because babies and toddlers have high needs, doing something soothing or rejuvenating for yourself while they sleep or another family member looks after them is critical to your own health and well-being. Spending time alone in a separate room and indulging in an activity you enjoy, having a shower or nap, or sitting on the porch in the sunshine with a cup of tea in quiet alone are all examples of taking a break. It is beneficial to explain your purpose and request assistance from other family members in order for them to understand you are searching for a break (and will be returning soon).

Make a social connection by reaching out to others.

Even for persons who live among others, isolation can be a genuine problem during this period of social separation. Make it a point to connect with someone outside of your home at least once a day. To spend time with friends and family, go virtual, make a phone call, send a text or email, write a letter and mail it, or use video conferencing such as Face Time or Zoom. You could wish to reach out to pals you haven’t spoken to in a while, or ask your local senior center if there are any older citizens in your area who would benefit from having a friend or pen pal to connect with during this period of social isolation and quarantine. You spread compassion when you reach out to build a positive connection, which benefits both you and the other person!

Include rest and relaxation time in your schedule.

Resting and slowing down your body are excellent techniques to avoid becoming too stressed. When your body is overworked, it might impair your immune system. Everyone can benefit from having a robust, healthy immune system throughout COVID-19 season. After lunch, take a quick nap or incorporate a few minutes of reading, writing, or meditation into your morning or afternoon routine. Not only will you feel calmer and more serene afterward, but your body will reward you as well!

At Least Once A Day, Exercise

Making time for exercise is an excellent method to be mentally and physically well. Moderate exercise strengthens your immune system and promotes mental well-being by generating endorphins and assisting you in getting a better night’s sleep, which is essential for the body’s ability to heal itself. Each day’s workout might be as short as ten minutes. If you can workout for extended periods of time, do so! Social distancing walks in your neighborhood, online yoga, HIIT, barre, or Zumba classes (YouTube has a great selection of free workout videos, and many gyms and celebrities are now streaming free workouts), jumping rope, riding a bike, or lifting weights and stretching on a workout mat are all good options.

This season may be different from what we’re used to, but it can also be a great time to reflect, rest, and innovate as you and your family establish new routines. What are some of the ways you organize your days when you’re at home?

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